Authentication Methods

Datacenter Pay/GB proxy authentication methods

We support Datacenter Pay/IP proxy authentication via username and password or IP-based whitelisting.

You can manage proxy users and whitelisted IPs on the Datacenter proxies → Datacenter Pay/GB → Authentication page.

  • After you purchase a subscription, a proxy username and password will be automatically generated in the Authentication section.
  • The default number of whitelisted IP slots is 10. Please contact our customer support for more information.


Dashboard Access

If you cannot log in to the dashboard, please request a password change by going to the Reset Password page.

User:pass Authentication

Managing Proxy Users

  • You can manage your proxy users by clicking the Users tab in the Authentication section.
  • You can buy additional users by clicking Buy users on the right.
  • The default number of Users depends on the Number of IPs you select during checkout
The Proxy user authentication section.

The Proxy user authentication section.

Editing Proxy Users

  • To edit a proxy user, click the three dots and then Edit user. A menu on the right will open.
  • Alternatively, you can add or edit proxy users, generate passwords, and change their traffic limit directly in the Proxy setup section.
Authentication section – proxy user management.

Authentication section – proxy user management.

Proxy setup section – proxy user management.

Proxy setup section – proxy user management.

Password Generation

  • To change your proxy user's password, click the Generate password button next to the password.
  • To reveal or hide the password, click the eye icon.
  • You can copy the username and password by clicking on them.

Traffic Limit Management

  1. To add, edit, or remove a traffic limit for a specific proxy user, click Add traffic limit.
  2. Type in the traffic limit and click the checkmark button to add or edit a limit. Click X to cancel.
  3. Click Edit to change the traffic limit or the Bin icon to remove it.
  4. Click Save

Proxy User Deletion

  • To delete a proxy user, click Remove user and then Confirm.
Editing a Proxy user.

Editing a Proxy user.

Adding an Extra Proxy User

  1. To create a new proxy user, click + Add user. A menu on the right will open.
    • A vacancy is required for this option to appear. Check the Total users count
  2. Type in the username you want, and click + Add. A password will be automatically generated.
    • The username must be 6 to 64 characters long, letters and numbers only, no spaces
Proxy user creation.

Proxy user creation.

Proxy user creation.

Proxy user creation.


407 Error / Proxy Authentication Required

If you cannot authenticate with proxy user credentials, then change your password.

Whitelisted IP Authentication

Managing Whitelisted IPs

  1. You can manage your whitelisted IPs by clicking the Whitelisted IPs tab in the Authentication section.
    • The list will be empty by default.
  2. To add a new IP address to the whitelist, click + Add IP. A menu on the right will open.
    • To buy more than 10 Whitelisted IP slots, please contact our 24/7 customer support by clicking the chat widget on the bottom right or by using this link.
Whitelisting an IP address.

Whitelisting an IP address.

  1. Enter your desired IP address, and click + Add to whitelist it. You can also name it if you wish.
    • You can only add IPs that are in IPv4 format (xx.xx.xx.xx). The IPv6 format is not supported.
    • Ensure that the IP you are adding is yours, only accessible by you, and that you are not using a Proxy or VPN service at the time.
Whitelisting an IP address.

Whitelisting an IP address.

Editing Whitelisted IPs

  • To edit a whitelisted IP, click the three dots, and then Edit IP. A menu on the right will open.
  • Alternatively, you can add or edit whitelisted IPs directly in the Proxy setup section.
Authentication section – whitelisted IP management.

Authentication section – whitelisted IP management.

Proxy section – whitelisted IP management.

Proxy section – whitelisted IP management.

Whitelisted IP Removal

  • To remove a whitelisted IP, click Remove Whitelisted IP and then click Confirm.
Whitelisted IP removal.

Whitelisted IP removal.


If you’re using services such as Amazon Web Services, we highly recommend using the traditional username:password authentication instead.


Need help or just want to say hello? Our customer support is available 24/7. You can also reach us anytime via email at [email protected].


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