Crypto payments

Guidelines for troubleshooting issues with Crypto and basic information

Get answers to the most common issues when making a payment with Crypto.

The accepted methods/currencies with Crypto:

  • Binance Coin
  • Binance Pay
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin cash
  • CoinGate Balance
  • Dogecoin
  • Ethereum
  • USDC
  • USDT*
  • Polygon
  • Litecoin
  • Solana
  • TRON
  • XRP


*USDT and DAI support ending

Due to the European Union’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulations, our cryptocurrency payment provider will stop supporting USDT and DAI.

  • You can use USDT until March 30.
  • DAI is no longer supported.

Find out more about the decision here.

What are the reasons people might face issues when purchasing with cryptocurrency, and what are the solutions?

If the customer paid too little:

  • If the user underpaid the invoice, they can still send the remaining amount. However, the exchange they are using may not permit minimal transactions, which may prevent the user from completing the payment.
  • If the original exchange has limitations on the minimum amount that can be sent, the user can use a different exchange or wallet that does not have such restrictions to complete the payment. If that’s not possible, the only option is to wait for the refund to be processed due to the unsuccessful transaction.
  • The most common reason users underpay is that they forget to include network fees, which are not set by CoinGate or Smartproxy but by the exchange they use. To find the exact fee amount, check your chosen exchange platform.

If the customer paid too much:

  • If the user has overpaid, CoinGate will provide a refund option to return the excess amount.


Learn more by visiting the official CoinGate website and reading the full article How To Pay a CoinGate Invoice? Step-By-Step Guide (2023).

How to avoid underpayment issues?

  • Instead of using exchanges/web wallets, CoinGate strongly recommends paying directly using a wallet.
  • Always double-check the amount you’re about to transfer.
  • Include the network fees displayed in the exchange.
  • Additional advice: If your Bitcoin wallet only shows a certain number of digits, you should round the amount to the higher side to avoid sending an insufficient amount. For example, if 4 digits are allowed past the decimal, and you need to pay 0.011180 BTC, it is advised to round the number up and transfer 0.0112 BTC.


Learn more by visiting the official CoinGate website and reading the full article Why Can't I Send Transactions to CoinGate Invoice from an Exchange?.

How can I get a refund if overpaid or underpaid?

If paid too little:

  • If the CoinGate invoice expires, a refund form will appear. Once it does, fill in the necessary details and request a refund. The CoinGate team will process it manually within 48 hours.

If paid too much:

  • After the system approves the payment, CoinGate will automatically present a refund form on the invoice if you pay too much. The payment will still be processed, and a refund will only be issued for the overpaid amount.

What if I’m not familiar with CoinGate’s checkout? Where can I find screenshots to understand it better?


Learn more about CoinGate’s checkout process by visiting the official CoinGate website and reading the full article How To Pay a CoinGate Invoice? Step-By-Step Guide (2023).


Need help or just want to say hello? Our customer support is available 24/7. You can also reach us anytime via email at [email protected].


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