HTTP response codes
Error | Description |
400 - Bad request | The proxy server can return this error code if the request did not contain a host to connect to or there was a generic error when parsing the HTTP request. Make sure your request is correctly formed. Include the URL in the request, and then try again. |
401 - Unauthorized error | The proxy server returns this error when your request fails authentication on the target website. Make sure that you provide correct authentication information for the website alongside the request. |
403 - Forbidden | The proxy server returns this error when its access to the target website has been blocked. Please try using a different proxy server location or ports. |
404 - Not Found | The server could not find the requested resources. Usually thrown when requesting a broken/dead link. Make sure you did not mistype the link. |
407 - Proxy Authentication Required | Request lacks proxy authentication information, or username or password is invalid. Include Proxy authentication header in your request, and make sure your username and password are formed correctly. Then, try again. |
408 - Request Timeout | The requested server has closed the connection due to a timeout, whatever the value is set at. Try sending the request again. If the issue persists, try changing the endpoint or session type for your request. |
500 - Internal Server Error | The proxy server has encountered an internal error. Retry request at a later time. |
502 - Bad Gateway | The proxy server received an invalid response from the upstream server. Retry request. |
503 - Service Unavailable | Usually means that the server (which in this context can mean either the proxy server or the targeted resource) is currently down or heavily overloaded and cannot provide a normal response. Retry your request, check whether your targeted resource is not under maintenance. |
504 - Gateway Timeout | The proxy server did not receive a response from the upstream server in time. Retry request. |
522 - CONNECT Timeout | The custom HTTP status code means that the proxy connection timed out during the CONNECT phase. |
525 - No Exit Found | Custom HTTP status code means proxy was unable to find an exit node that satisfies the request. Change request filter parameters or try again at a later time. |
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Updated about 1 month ago