Dashboard roles

Invite your team members to your workspace for collaboration

Switch between roles

You can see all the accounts that your own account has access to by clicking on the account email at the top, which will open a drop-down menu.

From the drop-down menu you will be able to select the account you want to access.


You will always be the owner to the account under your email

Manage your team

You can see and manage your whole team in the Dashboard > Account settings > Teams.


There can only be 1 owner role and it's non-transferable

Invite new members

You can also invite new members in the Dashboard > Account settings > Teams by clicking on the invite member button.

  • The invited member will need to have a verified Smartproxy account or create one to accept the invitation
  • The invitation is sent to the invited member's email and will be valid for 1 hour


Only owner and admins can invite new users

Edit existing members

Click on Edit icon near an active member and the edit menu will open, where you can see:

  • Email - can’t be edited
  • Name - can be edited or left empty
  • Roles - can be reassigned and member does not need to verify this change on his end, he will immediately gain new rights to your workspace
  • Member can be removed by clicking Remove user button and confirming this action in additional pop-up

For pending members who are not yet in your workspace you will only be able to either Remove user or Resend invitation.


Owner role cannot be edited


Any account changes made by any role will be seen as done by the owner, i.e. a using with billing role purchases a new plan - it will be the same as the owner had done that through his account

What each role can('t) do

Owner roleAdmin roleBilling roleUser roleBilling and user role
PurposeFull workspace ownership and dashboard managementTeam, proxies, billing managementBilling managementProxies managementBilling and proxies management
Number of users allowedOneUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Buy products, subscriptions, top up wallet, buy add-ons
Manage payments
See usage statistics
Generate proxy list and manage proxy authentication
Setup and manage scrapers
Manage dashboard account and user details
Manage team
Manage referrals
Generate API keys
Setup Webhooks
Access documentation
Manage ID verification / KYC


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