Single backconnect entry node

Mobile proxy parameter specification to control your connection

Smartproxy offers proxy access through a single backconnect endpoint:

Available parameters:

All parameters are passed alongside your username. The parameters are listed in the order they should be used (not all of them can be used together).

Location/ASN parameters

  • country – country code provided in a two-symbol ISO format.
  • city – full city name (for example los_angeles or london).
  • state – US state. Supports the USA location when you pick us as the country parameter. It will allow you to specify the US state of the IP you want to use. Format: us_state_name (e.g. us_california).
  • continent – requires a continent code:
    • Asia – as
    • Africa – af
    • Europe – eu
    • North America – na
    • Oceania – oc
    • South America – sa
  • asn – target ASN number of a specific carrier.


ASN filtering

  • You must choose between city targeting and asn targeting, as they can’t be used simultaneously.
  • The same logic would apply for the continent, state and country parameters.

OS parameter

  • os – value can be either android or ios to filter by the operating system.

Session parameters

  • session – Create a sticky session to keep the same proxy IP for more than one request.
    • The session expires after 10 minutes by default. After that, a new IP will be assigned to this session’s ID.


The session parameter makes your session sticky for the specific name you create for it, meaning for the duration that session was set to – any changed parameters are ignored. To use different parameters before the session expires – create a new session with a different name (Session ID).

  • sessionduration – used either with session parameter, or sticky port (using rotating port without session parameter will create a rotating session).
    • Specifies the sticky session time – the value can be set between 1 and 1440. E.g.:
      • sessionduration-1
    • A sticky session lasts for 10 minutes if this parameter is not indicated.


Premature rotation

The longer the session you have, the more chances there are that the IP will rotate before your specified time due to the residential device at the end going offline.

Backconnect in applications

The backconnect entry node can be used in various applications as well. In such a case, you will need to pass parameters alongside your username in the username field like this:


In the example above SPusername represents your proxy username which you would need to get from the authentication section. In the password field, you only need to enter the password of the proxy user.


Use the session parameter only if you want a sticky session. Otherwise, just ignore that part to receive a rotating proxy.

cURL Examples

To use these commands just replace SPusername and SPpassword with your proxy user credentials and run them in your Terminal or Command Prompt.

Get an IP from a random location with a rotating session
curl -U SPusername:SPpassword -x
Get an IP from a specific country (in this example Italy) with a rotating session
curl -U user-SPusername-country-it:SPpassword -x
Get an IP from a specific city (in this example London) with a rotating session
curl -U user-SPusername-city-london:SPpassword -x
Get an IP from a specific US state (in this example California
curl -U user-SPusername-country-us-state-us_california:SPpassword -x
Get an IP from AT&T Mobility LLC with a rotating session
curl -U user-SPusername-asn-20057:SPpassword -x
Get an IP from Portugal with a sticky session
curl -U user-SPusername-country-pt-session-randomstring123:SPpassword -x

=##### Get an IP from an Android device with a 1-minute session

curl -U user-SPusername-os-android-sessionduration-1:SPpassword -x


When using any backconnect parameter, your username is also considered one of the parameters, therefore you need to add user- prefix before specifying your username, just like with all other parameters.