IP:Port format

A workaround for the endpoint:port format



Our server's IP may change at any time.

We do not recommend using this format unless it's absolutely necessary (for instance, if your application does not accept the default endpoint:port format).

For the IP:Port format you will need to ping the relevant server to retrieve the IP part. The ports remain the same as they were provided in the dashboard.


  1. Open the command line (shortcut: hit the Windows logo + R on your keyboard, then type in cmd and press Enter):

How to get IP:Port format on windows – open command line

  1. Enter the following command in the command line:
ping gate.smartproxy.com


gate.smartproxy.com is just an example endpoint. Enter the endpoint you want to use as every endpoint will have a different IP.


The way to get the IP:Port format on Windows – ping the endpoint

  1. As per the example above, you can see the IP of gate.smartproxy.com. Now you can use the IP:Port format ( = gate.smartproxy.com:7000).


  1. Open the Terminal (simply follow the example below and search in Finder):

How to get IP:Port format on macOS – open terminal

  1. Enter the following command in the command line:
ping gate.smartproxy.com


gate.smartproxy.com is just an example endpoint. Enter the endpoint you want to use as every endpoint will have a different IP.


The way to get the IP:Port format on macOS – ping the endpoint

  1. As per the example above, you can see the IP of gate.smartproxy.com. Now you can use the IP:Port format ( = gate.smartproxy.com:7000).


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