Quick Start

Datacenter Pay/GB proxy Quick Start


Endpoints are like gateways to IP pools. The system will automatically assign you proxies from the selected endpoint (part of the pool).

For example, the all.dc.smartproxy.com endpoint is a gateway to the whole pool consisting of around 100k IPs, and the gate.dc.smartproxy.com endpoint is a gateway to the pool consisting only of IPs located in the US.

  1. Firstly, go to the Datacenter Proxies → Datacenter Pay/GB → Proxy setup tab and scroll down to the Endpoint generator section, which is below the Authentication method section.
The Proxy setup section – Endpoint generator.

The Proxy setup section – Endpoint generator.

  1. Next, enter your Username and Password, which can be created and edited in the Authentication method section. Check out the Proxy authentication article for more details.
    • You can edit the password in the Authentication section. Click Edit password to do so.
    • Datacenter Pay/GB does not support authentication via IP-based whitelisting.
Password management.

Password management.

  1. Then, select the location of your proxy, session type and Protocol.
    • Choosing All means that the location of the IP address will be picked randomly from one of our Datacenter Pay/GB pools.
    • Choosing Europe will randomly cycle through the available European IP pools.
Location, Session type, and Protocol selection.

Location, Session type, and Protocol selection.

  1. You will see a proxy list of generated endpoints and ports based on your selection. You can set the number of endpoints and download a .csv or .txt file of the created proxy list, or simply copy it to your clipboard.
An example of static endpoints for the Netherlands.

An example of static endpoints for the Netherlands.

You can apply these ports and endpoints to any application or tool to start using proxies instantly. Check out the quick guides in the Integrations overview section for the most popular tools.

Code examples

You can also test your proxies with code examples. You can select any of the available languages:

  • cURL
  • Python
  • NodeJS
  • PHP
  • GO
A cURL example.

A cURL example.

After you've selected the proxies and language, click Copy in the bottom right corner for convenient pasting.


For advanced code samples and middleware, visit our GitHub page.