Response codes

HTTP response codes:

200 - SuccessServer has replied and given requested response.Celebrate!
204 - No contentJob not completed yet.Wait a few seconds before trying again.
400 - Multiple error messagesBad structure of the request.Re-check your request to make sure it is in the correct format.
401 - Invalid / not provided authorization header (client not found)Incorrect login credentials or missing authorization.Re-check your provided credentials for authorization.
403 - ForbiddenYour account does not have access to this resource.Make sure your Google target is supported by us
404 - Not foundYour target was not found.Re-check your targeted URL.
429 - Too many requestsExceeded rate limit for your subscription.Make sure you still have at least one request left. Wait a couple minutes and try again. If you are encountering the error often – chat with us to see if your rate limit can be increased.
500 - Internal errorService unavailable, possibly due to some issues we are encountering.Wait a couple minutes and send another request.
Contact us for more information.
524 - TimeoutService unavailable, possibly due to some issues we are encountering.Wait a couple minutes and send another request.
Contact us for more information.

Parsed result response codes:

12000 - SuccessServer has replied and given the requested response.
12002 - ErrorParsing has failed completely.
12003 - Not supportedTargeted website parsing is not supported.
12004 - Response not fullSome fields were not parsed and are missing.
12005 - Response not fully parsedSome fields might not have been parsed and are returned unparsed.
12006 - ErrorUnexpected error. Let us know the task ID and we will check what went wrong.
12007 - UnknownWe could not determine whether the data was parsed correctly.
12008 - ErrorFailed to parse all the data.
12009 - ErrorTarget not found. Make sure the parameters you passed are correct and supported.